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Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

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Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 6, 2023

Forms of Setting up company in Vietnam

 Forms of Setting up company in Vietnam

According the Vietnam Law on Enterprises, there are four common types of companies:

-Private enterprise


-Joint stock company

-Limited liability company

Forms of Setting up company in Vietnam

-Private enterprise is a business run by a single person who is responsible for all of its operations and owns all of its assets;

-Partnership is an organization in which (i) at least two partners co-own the business and operate jointly under a single name; There may be limited partners in addition to general partners; ii) A partnership's general partners must be individuals who are fully responsible for the partnership's obligations with their entire property: iii) Limited partners are only responsible for the partnership's debts up to the amount of their capital contribution;

-Joint stock company is an enterprise where i) Its contract capital is partitioned into equivalent bits known as shares; ( ii) Shareholders may be individuals or organizations; the base number of investors will be three and will not be confined to a specific most extreme number; ( iii) Its shareholders are only responsible for the debts and other property obligations of the company up to the value of their capital contribution; ( iv) Shareholders will be free to transfer their shares in accordance with the law;

-Limited liability company (also known as a single-member or multi-member limited liability company). A one-member limited liability company is an enterprise which is owned by one organization or individual (hereinafter referred to as the company owner); Within the company's charter capital, the owner is responsible for the company's debts and other property obligations. A business is a limited liability company if: i) Members may be individuals or organizations; The number of members in total cannot be more than fifty; ( ii) Individuals are answerable for obligations and other property liabilities of the undertaking inside how much capital that they have resolved to add to the endeavor; ( iii) The members' capital shares can only be transferred in accordance with the law.

ANT Lawyers is a law firm in Vietnam with international standards, recognized by IFLR1000 on Financial and Corporate practice. The firm provides a wide range of legal services, including M&A, corporate establishment, business advisory, tax advisory, dispute resolution for multinational and domestic clients.

Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 6, 2023

Areas prohibited to set up company in Vietnam

 Vietnam encourages investors to set up company in Vietnam

With the public authority's endeavors in working on the venture and business climate, which is good for homegrown financial backers as well as unfamiliar financial backers, Vietnam's monetary, political and social circumstance has consistently stayed stable and accomplished extraordinary advancement, over the course of the time including the post-Coronavirus period, while laying out reciprocal exchange relations with numerous nations the world. In an effort to open up the economy, the government keeps changing its policies to support business development and improve the business environment. Specifically, the public authority resolves to energize unfamiliar financial backers carrying on with work in Vietnam: to start a business, build a factory, or buy shares in a Vietnamese company, or to invest in Vietnam in various sectors that will benefit the economy.

Areas prohibited to set up company in Vietnam

In general, foreign investors are permitted to establish a business and invest in Vietnam. Up until the end of 2022, the capital for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) registered is USD 439 billion, and the FDI attracted in 2022 alone is USD 27,7 billion. In practice, a significant number of them have established businesses in Vietnam and have made substantial investments in manufacturing and production, real estate, energy, technical fields, wholesale and retail product trading, and other related industries.

Areas prohibited to set up company in Vietnam

It should be noted that the following are prohibited areas of business in Vietnam: i) dealing in illegal drugs; ii) minerals and chemicals are traded; iii) exchanging examples of plants and wild creatures; iv) the prostitution industry; v) buying and selling people, tissues, organs, human hatchlings; vi) human cloning-related business practices; vii) exchanging fireworks; viii) Businesses that provide debt collection services, including debt collection services, which were recently added to the prohibited list in the beginning of 2021 due to the negative social impact that debt collection companies in Vietnam have had.

The general requirement for both domestic and international investors is that they are permitted to engage in business investment activities in trades and industries that are not prohibited by law. The remaining trades and industries are divided into conditional and ordinary business lines, with the exception of the trades that are prohibited from business investment. In normal business lines, financial backers can openly enter without boundaries. Interestingly, contingent business lines set conditions that should be met assuming the financial backers wish to join. Understanding the lawful condition to work in a particular industry and business line is the initial step for financial backers to enter the market to set up organization in Vietnam.

Thứ Ba, 6 tháng 6, 2023

How an International Organization Could Set up Branch Office in Vietnam?

 How an International Organization Could Set up Branch Office in Vietnam?

An unfamiliar business substance or an unfamiliar dealer is permitted to set up a branch office in Vietnam to direct business exercises.

A branch in Vietnam is distinct from a representative office in that it is granted the authority to carry out business activities and generate revenue. While a foreign-owned company established in Vietnam exists independently, a branch is dependent on the foreign business entity that established the branch. The establishment of a branch office in Vietnam will be approved by the Vietnam Department of Industry and Trade, and the Vietnam Ministry of Planning and Investment will be the state agency in charge of coordinating company formation in Vietnam.

In particular, the term "Branch" refers to a subsidiary unit of a foreign business entity that has been established in accordance with Vietnamese law to be able to enter into contracts and engage in the purchase and sale of goods and other commercial activities in accordance with its license for establishment granted in accordance with Vietnamese law and any international treaty to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam belongs.

The establishment license must be applied for and obtained by the Branch; and have a seal with the branch's name on it.

1. Rights of the Branch in Vietnam

-To rent offices and to lease or purchase the equipment and facilities necessary for the operation of the branch.

-To recruit Vietnamese and foreign employees to work for the branch in accordance with the law of Vietnam.

-To enter into contracts in Vietnam in accordance with the activities stated in the license for establishment of such branch and in accordance with the Vietnam Law.

-To open Vietnamese dong and foreign currency accounts at banks which are licensed to operate in Vietnam.

-To remit profits abroad in accordance with the law of Vietnam.

-To have a seal bearing the name of the branch in accordance with the law of Vietnam.

-To conduct activities being the purchase and sale of goods and other commercial activities consistent with its license for establishment in accordance with the law of Vietnam and any international treaty to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a member.

2. Requested Conditions to Set Up a Branch Office in Vietnam

An unfamiliar organization which has viability business exercises will be permitted to open branch office in Vietnam in the event that this organization has genuine interest to open the market in Vietnam and meet a few circumstances as underneath:

-Being a trader recognized by the law of the country where it has been lawfully established or made its business registration;

-Having been operating for at least five years after its lawful establishment or business registration.

3. Issuance the Certificate of Branch:

The Department of Industry and Trade Department will carry out the issuance of the Certificate of Branch once the foreign company satisfies all Vietnam legal requirements.

The responsible period will be inside 20 working-days after the date of presenting the full substantial records as mentioned.